Monday, May 9, 2016

Project Premiere/World Class, Day 9: It's M1-Day!

We're gonna keep it going with the Teutonic features. There's just so much good stuff that comes out of Germany. There's the Big Three of the luxury car market, and there's a certain sports car maker whose name starts with a "P". Today, we'll showcase a legend out of Bavaria. It's none other than the BMW M1.

It's BMW's original supercar. You could say it's the only supercar they've ever built (I'd say the i8 doesn't count). This one is all dressed up in racecar attire. The M1 Procar, as it should be called. It has the low-slung bodykit. It has the huge wing in the back. In my opinion, this is the way it should've looked to begin with. While the street version (see: the Hot Wheels version) looks incredibly tame in comparison, this one has that supercar aura that you expect from...a supercar.

To take it even further, Matchbox stretched the body out even more. Then, they threw on their signature fat rubber wheels. You can probably tell from the photos that this monster is super wide. In fact, it might be the widest 1/64 scale (-ish) model I own. A little ridiculous, yes, but it's a racecar for crying out loud.

This comes from the World Class series and is the only variant you'll find. With a model like this, one is enough to satisfy your wants and needs. The detailing is everywhere; every single vent and duct on this car has been highlighted in black, as well as the window trim and door handles. I love the added touch of the BMW badge behind the doors. The printing on the taillight cluster is a little off, but that's what quality on a 25 year old release looks like. Overall, spectacular.

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