Sunday, May 1, 2016

Project Premiere/World Class, Day 1: Twin Turbo Toyota's

What better way to start off than with the one that started it all?

The Toyota Supra Turbo. Not much needs to be said about this car; it's one of Toyota's best designs ever. You look at Toyota's current lineup and can't help but wonder if it's the same company that produced this beast back in the 90's. Despite that, it hasn't aged one bit. Its value certainly hasn't either. If you can't afford the real one, Matchbox has an excellent miniature of it that should make any fan happy. It's not the most detailed, but it certainly is my favorite diecast model of the Supra. Accurate proportions, stock form, and all of the goodies that come with the Premiere treatment: metal base, working suspension, rubber wheels, and painted interior, just to name a few.

It's also one of the first diecast cars I've ever owned. That one, however, is long gone. It was white with a red interior. It was a Matchbox Premiere, just like the two shown here. It was also very beat up, having gone through years of simulated car crashes and wild stunts performed by a younger me. Without a doubt, it was the toy car from my childhood. 

I threw it away when I started collecting diecast during my high school years. I understand the importance and meaning of keeping childhood relics. I've even seen some collectors prefer play-worn cars over mint pieces because they have more "character", as they call it. I, myself, am not a fan of beat-up cars. I display my cars, and I can't stand it when I see one with dents and scratches all over. OCD kicks in and I force myself to remove it from my shelf. If I can't proudly display a diecast model, it's not worth keeping to me.

I figured I would eventually acquire one off the internet. Which I did, except I got it in a different color. This bronze example has been an admirable replacement. 

One day, I will get my hands on that white one. They're rather hard to find (at reasonable prices) nowadays. In the meantime, I splurged on a yellow one, which is from a JCPenny-exclusive 8-car set. I got the whole set mainly for the Supra alone, and it goes without saying that it's the best of the bunch. In fact, I'll take the yellow over the bronze any day. I know there's also a dark grey version out there as well as a limited edition release in black. Looks like I've got my work cut out for me...

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