Friday, August 12, 2016

This Just In: The New Kyosho Lottery Set, With More Godzilla Than You Can Handle

I just received this in the mail today and could not wait to share my excitement with you guys.

This is the brand new Kyosho NISMO set featuring, you guessed it, Godzilla itself. It's the second in the new system of Kyosho lottery sets, the first consisting of McLarens, which I kind of liked but not enough to actually go out and get a set for myself. This, however, I had to have.

These aren't your standard GT-R's; they're NISMO tuned, meaning they're even wilder than you can imagine. I've long been a fan of the NISMO department's tasteful modifications. Here we have four different versions of the GT-R, spanning three generations, with two colors of each. The scary part is that's only the half of it. There's also a four-car set, featuring each of the four models here, but in matte black. I'm currently eyeing that set and will feature it if and when the time comes. Then there's a special version of the R35 GT3 whose price is completely out of my league. If that's not enough, there are a couple 1/43 models of the Nissan 2020 Vision Gran Turismo concept along with a 1/16 remote-controlled version of the GT3. How far will you be tempted?

Skyline fanboys across the world (and I know there are a lot of you out there), this is the set for you.

As an unashamed fanboy, this was a must-buy from day one. Having missed out on the previous Kyosho Skyline series, I had to redeem myself. Kyosho makes fantastic models and usually doesn't get the accolades that TLV gets. They operate a bit differently, but the end results are some of the best 1/64 pieces you'll find on the market. I'm here to tell you guys that these are basically TLV's at a fraction of the price.

Think about it. A blind boxed Kyosho used to retail for 500 yen - that's less than $5 on a good day, whereas a TLV retails for north of $20.

How do they compare? We'll find out in the next few days. The natural comparison here would be to pit Kyosho's R35 GT-R NISMO N-Attack with TLV's and see how they stack up. Having them both in hand, I already have my mind made up, which I will disclose in a future post. Nonetheless, look forward to seeing these models in all their glory in the coming days!

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