Sunday, August 14, 2016

A Look at GTspirit's Impressive 1/18 Nissan GT-R NISMO (R35)

I don't always collect 1/18, but when I do, I make sure it's a GT-R.

This is just my third high-end 1/18 scale model, after a pair of insane R33's. It's the Nissan GT-R R35 NISMO, done by GTspirit.

This is a resin model, which means a number of things. No steering. No opening parts. Paper-thin plastic window inserts. The wheels don't even rotate unless you apply a good amount of force. That being said, it does its job very well as a static model. It's pure eye candy. Despite being basically plastic, it feels rock solid and, believe it or not, weighs more than a diecast counterpart would. All the details are there; the carbon-fiber work is splendid and the brake details are glorious. There are a few minor quality issues here and there, but nothing I can't live with. 

I've been after a 1/18 model of the R35 GT-R for a while now. I'm open to any version of the R35, whether it be the standard version, the JDM SpecV, or this wild NISMO. The problem is all the major companies have stopped producing this car. AutoArt and Kyosho both previously released fantastic renditions of the R35 and both have been discontinued for a while now. Of course, I can get one from the secondary market, but there's a problem: resale values tend to go for at least $200, if you're lucky. That's a bit out of my range at the moment. Quite impressive for a car that half the so-called "car enthusiast" population claims is fat, ugly, and soulless, huh?

Just a few days ago, I stumbled upon this particular model while randomly browsing the web. I had not a clue that it existed, much less at a price that I could swallow. As they say, the rest is history. I typically take a few days to think before purchasing an expensive piece of diecast, whether its 1/64 or 1/18, but I took this one instantly. Finally, a 1/18 R35 GT-R is mine; time to cross it off my bucket list.

Acquiring this particular version of the GT-R, to me, isn't simply about having it. My other 1/18 models are currently relegated to dust-collecting shelf-warmers, as good looking as they are. This one won't face the same fate. I'm in the process of building and designing this exact car in LEGO form, as a fully-functional R/C car. It's a project I started early on in the year and has been on-and-off at times. I've been using my little TLV model to judge proportions and shapes when working on the project - I no longer need to do that as this is a much more suitable "guide". 

Just another excuse to buy expensive toys, that's all.

One thing I especially love about 1/18's is that they're incredibly fun to photograph. All the details combined with the larger scale makes the photos more realistic. There's a certain feeling you get when you pull up the pictures on your computer and see it in all its glory. I think that alone is what gets me into these models.

So there you have it. Super Godzilla in a nutshell. If you're like me and didn't know this model existed, you might want to grab one for yourself. And do it quickly before it's gone and prices go through the roof. 

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