Tuesday, September 27, 2016

The Myth, The Legend, The Racing Champions Dodge Charger Daytona

Since the return of the Racing Champions brand in 2016, we have only seen one wave thus far, and the end of the year is coming up fast. Actually, let me reiterate. We have seen five-sixths of a wave, because the Dodge Charger Daytona did not initially make it to production. The team at Round 2 (which also owns brands such as Auto World and Johnny Lightning) said they were working to fix some issues with the casting, thus causing the delay.

I waited many months for this release. As a fledgling Mopar fan, this is one that got me hyped about the return of Racing Champions. I was badly in need of a good Daytona casting for my collection - the M2 releases never looked quite right to me. As the months passed, I began to lose hope, as did plenty of other collectors. It seemed like the Charger Daytona would never be released - or any new product at all for that matter. Simply put, for all I was concerned, the Daytona was a myth.

A stroll into Toys"R"Us one afternoon unveiled something I had never seen before and something I was completely not expecting. "Could that really be.....the Racing Champions Dodge Charger Daytona?!", my mind spoke to me as I glanced, left to right, through the pegs. There it was, hanging from the very front of a sparse peg of Racing Champions product. I couldn't believe my eyes. Yes, it's real, and I'm very excited to share it here.

First impressions: good casting, nice color, love the wheels, looks very realistic, but too much junk hanging from the undercarriage (clearly visible from the side profile shown below).

That last bit was almost the tipping point. I'm ashamed to admit that I almost put it back. That would have been disastrous, after all the months of waiting. I gave it a chance, and it's the best decision I've made in a while.

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