Tuesday, February 23, 2016

First Post: An Introduction!

Hello everybody, and welcome to my blog! I've been collecting diecast for many years and have wanted to do this for a while. Now is the time!

Much like many diecast collectors out there, I started out as a car enthusiast first and foremost. I've owned my fair share of toy cars during my childhood, ranging from 1/64 to 1/18 scale, minivans to sports cars. It wasn't until around my high school years that I finally decided to seriously start collecting them. By then, most of the cars I had in the past had been beaten and trashed. After all, they were meant to be played with, and I did just that.

However, there's an endless amount of fantastic, new models out there that it's far from difficult to get started again. For me, it was these two models that started my collection, the black Enzo Ferrari and silver Ferrari 575 GTC, and they will be the subjects of today's feature.

I spotted both of them on an ordinary errand run to a Ralph's grocery store. By a stroke of good luck, I happened to walk by an endcap stocked with Hot Wheels. Suddenly feeling nostalgic, I quickly peeked through the models and spotted both Ferrari's. Being a huge Ferrari fan, I couldn't resist; the Enzo also happened to be my favorite car at the time. I took both of them home, cracked open their packaging, and proceeded to gawk, admire, and roll them around for days on end. That's when it clicked. I knew I had to start buying these cars again.

Needless to say, this Enzo has seen better days. I keep all of my cars in fairly good condition nowadays. I open them, photograph them, and then display them. This one has clearly been played with. The chrome gold on the wheels has started wearing out, the black paint is no longer glossy, and the windows need some polishing. I still love the Enzo, and I still love this model.

The 575 GTC is in pretty mint condition. I had no idea this car existed when I got it. Still, it's a Ferrari, and Ferrari's have a special place in my heart. You will see many more here on the blog in the future. It's a shame that Hot Wheels is no longer making them.

What do I collect today? Just about anything when it comes to 1/64 scale. Occasionally, I will go out of my way to collect some other scales. To me, it's all about the model; the scale isn't the issue here. Make a model that is realistic and looks good, and I will happily grab them off the pegs. I like 1/64 because of the variety, and it's very cost-effective if you plan to collect a large range of vehicles. I don't discriminate on brands, whether that's diecast company or automotive manufacturer. I do have preferences, however. I'll buy just about anything Nissan or Ferrari, and my favorite diecast brand is and always will be Tomica. You'll see what I mean!

As of now, I probably have over a thousand cars in my collection. I look forward to sharing them all with you guys. You can take a peek over at my Instagram (@androoosdiecast) if you'd like to see more!

That's it from me! I'm always open to comments, questions, and constructive criticism! I have something new to show in a bit, so keep an eye out! Thanks for reading!

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